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Our Board of Directors’ voice

While it's not required for privately held companies to have a board of directors, we believe it is good business practice to have one. While we are deep in the day-to-day operations, we appreciate the expert counsel of our outside peers to have a voice on how we manage our Alexandria Industries business.

We are fortunate to have an experienced group of individuals who provide valuable insight in regards to our business. Our board meets four times a year, giving the directors many opportunities to offer financial, technical, and/or strategic advice to the officers of Alexandria Industries.

The directors each bring their own set of skills that benefit our company. With their outsider’s perspective, they oversee our actions, make recommendations on all of our major business decisions, and provide direction to help us establish continuity in our best practices.

We are fortunate and grateful to have such a knowledgeable and well-grounded group of individuals looking out for our best interests. Each board member brings much to our Alexandria Industries table.

Alexandria Industries Board of Directors


Front row, left to right: Keith Anderson (retired from IRD Glass), Tom Schabel (CEO, Alexandria Industries), Paul Pankow (retired from 3M)

Back row, left to right: Vern Anderson (CEO, Douglas Machine), Duncan Crowdis (retired from Bonnell Aluminum), Dan Ness (retired from Alexandria Industries), Dan Malmstrom (President and COO, Douglas Scientific)

Without the dedication of these individuals, Alexandria Industries may be a very different business. For their contributions, we are forever grateful.